Halloween Illustrations

Halloween 2019

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Gorey Inspired

Edward Gorey has always been an artist that intrigued me; his art was never my favorite, but I was always drawn to it. My first introduction to his work were the illustrations he created for Masterpiece Mystery, which my parent’s watched every Sunday night when I was a child. I decided to create my own story inspired by Gorey’s work. I liked the idea of an old manor house at the top of a hill, featuring an entire wall full of framed photos and paintings. I took more of a children’s book illustration approach to the project, being careful to not make anything too creepy or dark. In the end, this was a fun personal project, but it taught me the importance of studying those artists that set the tone for a particular genre of art; this can be said of Edward Gorey and his contributions to the dark, quirky but likeable Edwardian style that many people admire and love.

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